
  • Cold Steel® - Competition™ 30.5" Cutting Sword
    In Stock - Ships in 24 to 48 hrs
  • Cold Steel® - German™ 32" Grosse Messer Sword
    In Stock - Ships in 24 to 48 hrs
  • Cold Steel® - Hand-And-A-Half™ 13" Dagger
    In Stock - Ships in 24 to 48 hrs
  • Cold Steel® - Hand-And-A-Half™ 33.5" Black Long Sword
    In Stock - Ships in 24 to 48 hrs
  • Cold Steel® - MAA Italian™ 35.5" Long Sword
    In Stock - Ships in 24 to 48 hrs
  • Cold Steel® - Viking™ 30.25" Long Sword
    In Stock - Ships in 24 to 48 hrs

Sword fighting has long been a way of settling disputes all around the Old and New Worlds, namely in Europe and the Americas. Regardless of the fact that dueling is long since gone, amateur sword fighting remains of great interest to many people the world over. We can all let our imaginations run wild, while pretending to be medieval knights, musketeers, hussars, crusaders, or dragoons. There are plenty of swords offered on the modern-day market, just in case if you would like to try fencing for real. The products available include a wide variety of types, with claymores, rapiers, falchions, spadroons, and katanas leading the way.

Sword fighting is an excellent sport that will allow you to train the muscles of your chest, arms, and legs, as you are defending yourself or assaulting your opponent. Such a sport can become a fulfilling exercise helping you remain in your finest shape for many years to come. If you do not have a saber just yet, then look no further than our store which offers plenty of units for you to purchase and use. Such things include scimitars, cutlasses, and gladiuses, all offered so that you could engage in a sport you enjoy the most!

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