Camping Sleeping Bags & Pads

  • Coleman® - Heritage™ 0 °F Big & Tall Rectangular Sleeping Bag

The reason we go camping is to get rid of the stresses of modernity, but sleeping outdoors can also be a rather stressful experience unless you have a comfortable sleeping bag or pad. Forget about those sleepless nights on the trail! Enjoy a solid sleep in the great outdoors with an extensive variety of sleeping bags and pads offered in our online store. When it comes to sleeping bags, there are basically two types to choose from: mummy-style and rectangular. The first type is perfect for winter conditions and high altitudes because it has a narrow shape that maximizes warmth, reducing the space your body has to heat. But if you turn and toss a lot in sleep, then rectangular sleeping bags are for you. They allow for a comfortable sleep in various positions, but are less thermally efficient.

Want to have a comfortable surface to sleep? Check out our selection of premium-quality camping pads designed to provide basic insulation and warmth to keep you safe throughout the night. Here, you can choose from various pad types, including air, self-inflating and foam pads. The lightest and most packable options, air pads are perfect for backpacking and warm weather. These pads can be easily inflated, but make sure your pad is adequately filled, otherwise your heavier body will sink to the ground. Self-inflating pads combine the features of both foam and air pads. They come with a valve that opens to fill the foam with air. When you close the valve, the air remains within the foam cells, providing superior insulation and comfort. Foam pads are perfect for cold conditions. They come in various thicknesses, ranging from half an inch to half a foot. The thickest versions offer maximum cold protection and cushioning.

Camping Sleeping Bags & Pads