Basketball Balls

  • Professional Products® - 2" Sport Ball Pressuire Gauge
    Manufactured - Ships in 3 to 4 weeks

Basketball is very popular all around the globe and requires appropriate equipment, just like any other sports game. To wit, you will need a specific ball that meets your environment and personal needs to practice this game. The market currently offers an extensive range of options for players of every age and skill level. Whether you are an indoor professional or an amateur street player, choosing the most appropriate ball is paramount to performing at your best on the field. Its size and material are the main traits to consider when deciding on the right model for you and your team.

Basketballs are classified according to their circumference and average weight. They are also made from different materials including leather, synthetic leather, and composite rubber, each of which offers specific features that make balls more or less desirable for indoor or outdoor use. Different models are used in different environments. As an example, children up to 11 years old will be better off with a unit that measures 25.5 – 27.7 inches and has a weight of 14-16 oz. Size 6 balls with a circumference measuring 28.5 inches and a weight of 20 oz are standard equipment for professional female players from most baseball associations. Whatever your needs and wants, we have your product on our digital shelves. We offer a broad choice of quality basketball balls designed by reputable brands and offered at reasonable costs.

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Basketball Balls